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Webinar Q. & A.

A very successful webinar was held on Thursday 21st July, in which the TPD metrics were described and demonstrated in live markets, with questions being encouraged and answered throughout the session. The following is a transcript of the questions and answers.

Q. Can we record this session? So we will be able to watch this material several times?
A. The webinar is being recorded.
Post webinar note: A recording of the webinar can be found here;

Q. Is it possible to get these (par speed) graphs in Bet Angel?
A. It is possible, using advanced charting, to display a runners current speed against the course par speed (average speed) at its current location. This link to a thread in the Bet Angel forum provides a step-by-step guide;

Q. Which is most important VF (Velocity Fluctuation), VE (Velocity Error) or CE (Cadence Error).
A. In jumps races VE and VF are the metrics on which to focus attention and in flat races the CE metric and to a lesser extent VE.

Q. Can we see if the horse is increasing stride length or stride frequency at the end of the race?
A. One way to do this in Bet Angel is to keep a moving average of stride frequency and plot this in an advanced chart or on the one click screen. Stride length is not a metric which is currently available. However we would recommend that you take a look at the CE (Cadence Error) metric.

Q. Any chance you will be associated with the rest of the British racecourses.?
A. TPD are always looking to add to the portfolio of racecourses, but this of course depends upon the racecourse owners being willing to sell the rights, to what is their data, to TPD. We hope to be announcing the addition of Newbury very soon.

Q. Do you ever use the split times?
A. The traders at TPD do not actually use spilt times to any great extent. However, this is purely a personal preference and if you find them useful then by all means use them.

Q. Do you have the in play video on with commentary? I find it distracting.
A. Some of us like to see live pictures, particularly of the stalls being loaded or horses making their way to the start. This can sometimes give clues as to what we might expect during the race. E.g., a horse using too much energy on the way to the start. Again this is purely personal preference.

Q. Do you see anything different between handicaps and other races?
A. No, we treat each race exactly the same as regards analysing the metrics.

Q. Will this feature (replays in Bet Mover) be included in subs or an add on?
A. It is being considered that we offer replays in Bet Mover. However there are some licencing issues with Betfair, as regards re-using their Exchange prices, which are required to be resolved first.

Q. This is great session will you do this again?
A. Yes, we plan to make these webinars a regular feature.

Q. Do you not use the mph to see if a leader is slowing?
A. We tend to concentrate on how efficient, or otherwise, a horse is running using the VE, VF and CE metrics. However, we are aware of Bet Angel users who make good use of moving averages, regarding various metrics, including MPH.